30010 - Complete NWA Unclassified Ordinary Chondrite Meteorite 285 g Individual
30010 - Complete NWA Unclassified Ordinary Chondrite Meteorite 285 g Individual 30010 - Complete NWA Unclassified Ordinary Chondrite Meteorite 285 g Individual 30010 - Complete NWA Unclassified Ordinary Chondrite Meteorite 285 g Individual 30010 - Complete NWA Unclassified Ordinary Chondrite Meteorite 285 g Individual 30010 - Complete NWA Unclassified Ordinary Chondrite Meteorite 285 g Individual 30010 - Complete NWA Unclassified Ordinary Chondrite Meteorite 285 g Individual

Pictures and Description © Jurassic Dreams

30010 - Complete NWA Unclassified Ordinary Chondrite Meteorite 285 g Individual


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NWA Unclassified L-H Type Ordinary Chondrite Meteorite
Fell in Northwest Africa Sahara Desert
Medium-sized Asteroids - Asteroid Belt
80 mm   •    in
285 g   •    oz
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These meteorites were found in the Saharan Desert in Northwest Africa, likely by nomads. In order to classify them it would be necessary to cut off a section for analysis. Although they are exceedingly rare when compared to terrestrial rocks, these are the most abundant type of meteorite and are referred to as “common chondrites.” H and L (designating the amount of metal contained) type chondrites have been already extensively studied. Composed largely of spherical grain-like silicate chondrules, these stone meteorites were likely once part of the crust of a  large asteroid.

Authenticity guaranteed by myself as CEO of Jurassic Dreams LLC, Geologist Juan A. Poblador, as a member of the Global Meteorite Association (GMA 0043) and a member of the International Meteorite Collectors Association (IMCA 5681).

This specimen is 100% guaranteed to be a stony meteorite of the general class "chondrite" and almost certainly of the class "ordinary chondrite" and based on magnetic response is very high an "H" chondrite signifying high metal content with the other alternatives being H signifying high metal to LL signifying very low relative metal content.

This is a unique item. A physical certificate of authenticity will be provided. The certificate, elaborated individually by an expert paleontologist, contains an accurate scientific description and the certificate validity can be verified online at all times. In addition, a 100% money back guarantee is provided. Learn more.


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